Little Parrots Top 5 Favourite Christmas Ideas
As a travelling Speech Pathologist, it's in the job description to have exciting and motivating games for children to play with during our sessions. I often get asked, "Where did you get that game from?", particularly this time of year, when every parent is looking for Christmas present ideas.
Well, here are a few of my favourite and most popular ideas!
1. Pop up Pirate
2. Dotty Dinosaur
3. Roll up play mats
4. Zingo!
A great, new take on bingo, this game is great for the whole family! It's a simple and fun game for children from about 3-9 years and great for turn taking, language skills and social skills.
5. Sound Puzzles
This is more than just a puzzle! Each time you put a piece of puzzle in place, you will hear the sound of that vehicle. So motivating for children who are reluctant to do puzzles. This puzzle can be used to encourage receptive and expressive language skills, turn taking, fine motor skills and more.
What are your hot tips for Christmas this year? Do you know of any 'must have' products to share?
Happy Christmas shopping!